Printed In �Yated Ne�eman�, 14 Nisan 5763 - Apr.
�03 in "Health bits" section
People with diabetes,
who learn to properly manage their condition, and eat a balanced
diet, can lead a normal life. Thanks to a wonderful organization
called Friends with Diabetes, the task of managing one's condition
has become easier than ever.
FWD has compiled a wonderful Pesach handbook especially for
diabetics, detailing how to manage the sedorim, the exact shiurim of
matza, and how much carbohydrates the staple contains. The issue of
Arba Kosos and glucose management is also discussed at length,
including recommended wines and eating patterns. The publication
also contains diabetes-friendly recipes and many helpful tips. The
publication is being distributed in many shuls and supermarkets, and
can be mailed upon request by calling 845-352-7532.
The renowned Pesach expert
Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz, writes in his annual Pesach digest, "The
following information was taken from Going ForWarD (Friends With
Diabetes, a very important magazine for diabetics,) Edited by Rabbi
Hirsch Meisels shlit"a. The magazine appears 3 to 4 times a year
and is a must for any diabetic person to read."